LWJ Original

Learn With Jason

Live pair programming. Learn something new in 90 minutes with tech industry experts.

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Learn With Jason

42 episodes

Release year: 2023

Build Your Own Developer Training Quest
S6E1Jan 5, 2023

Build Your Own Developer Training Quest

The team at Wilco is building “a flight simulator for developers” to help devs level up their skills…

Nuxt 3 & Nitro
S6E2Jan 12, 2023

Nuxt 3 & Nitro

Nuxt.JS v3 is stable, and it introduces a ton of features including Typescript support, Vuejs 3, Vite.JS, and…

Create and deploy a documentation website
S6E3Jan 19, 2023

Create and deploy a documentation website

Docusaurus 2.0 adds support for MDX, file system routing, plugins, and more! Maintainer Sébastien Lorber will give us…

What’s New in Astro 2.0?
S6E4Jan 26, 2023

What’s New in Astro 2.0?

The latest major release of Astro includes new features like content collections, hybrid rendering, and a whole lot…

Fast Unit Testing With Vitest
S6E5Feb 2, 2023

Fast Unit Testing With Vitest

Vitest is a Vite-native unit testing framework that’s Jest-compatible. Core maintainer Anthony Fu will teach us how to…

Sanity Studio v3
S6E6Feb 9, 2023

Sanity Studio v3

What's new in Sanity Studio v3? In this episode, Kapehe will teach us what's possible, how we can…

Visual Editing w/Next.js, Contentful, and Stackbit
S6E7Feb 16, 2023

Visual Editing w/Next.js, Contentful, and Stackbit

Finding a workflow that’s good for devs *and* content writers is hard. In this episode, Tiff Janzen will…

Troubleshooting React Native apps with New Relic
S6E8Feb 20, 2023

Troubleshooting React Native apps with New Relic

Is your mobile app slow? Is it the network? OTA updates? Or something else? Use New Relic to…

Why Should Web Developers Care About Logging?
S6E9Feb 21, 2023

Why Should Web Developers Care About Logging?

Troubleshoot and debug web apps faster, easier, and stress-free. This episode leverages create-t3-app as a starting point and…

Location-Based Next.js Middleware With New Relic Synthetics
S6E10Feb 22, 2023

Location-Based Next.js Middleware With New Relic Synthetics

If your app needs to behave differently based on user location, Next.js Middleware gives you control. And New…

Code Your Own Generative Art
S6E11Feb 23, 2023

Code Your Own Generative Art

Writing code to expand your creative capabilities is a fun way to stretch your knowledge of what code…

Shared State Between Multiple Frameworks
S6E12Mar 2, 2023

Shared State Between Multiple Frameworks

How can you share state between React.JS, Svelte.JS, Solid.JS, Vue.JS, and more? TanStack Query maintainer Aryan Deora will…

Build an Internal App Without Learning Mobile App Dev
S6E13Mar 9, 2023

Build an Internal App Without Learning Mobile App Dev

Mobile apps to help your team track & manage internal processes are extremely helpful, but what if you…

Build a Headless WordPress site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js and WPGraphQL Smart Cache
S6E14Mar 16, 2023

Build a Headless WordPress site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js and WPGraphQL Smart Cache

There's a reason almost half the web runs on WordPress. Jason Bahl will teach us how to use…

Travel Through Time to Debug JavaScript
S6E15Mar 23, 2023

Travel Through Time to Debug JavaScript

Science fiction? Mark Erikson is here to show us how time travel is not only possible thanks to…

Advanced Effects for Live Streaming
S6E16Apr 20, 2023

Advanced Effects for Live Streaming

Custom shaders, animations, "hacker mode", and more — Mark Dobossy will teach us how to build extremely cool…

Catch Visual Bugs Before They Ship
S6E17Apr 27, 2023

Catch Visual Bugs Before They Ship

There’s nothing more frustrating than learning part of your app looks funky from a user screenshot. In this…

Collaborative, real-time apps with Partykit
S6E18May 4, 2023

Collaborative, real-time apps with Partykit

The web is more fun with friends. Sunil Pai will teach us how Partykit makes it fun and…

Why Svelte is the most loved JS framework
S6E19May 11, 2023

Why Svelte is the most loved JS framework

Creator Rich Harris is back to teach us what's possible with Svelte and SvelteKit in 2023.

How WunderGraph Simplifies API Development
S6E20May 23, 2023

How WunderGraph Simplifies API Development

How do you build apps in a landscape where most of your data is coming from different APIs?…

Improving the Database Experience of your Deploy Previews with Xata
S6E21May 25, 2023

Improving the Database Experience of your Deploy Previews with Xata

Bring your data across Deploy Previews on your Netlify & Vercel sites. We're going to explore Xata's new…

Redux in 2023: What you need to know
S6E22Jun 8, 2023

Redux in 2023: What you need to know

Redux is still wildly popular. Mark Erikson is back to make sure we get the most from modern…

Build a custom code editor using the WebContainer API
S6E23Jun 22, 2023

Build a custom code editor using the WebContainer API

It's mind-boggling what you can accomplish in the browser these days. Gabriel Daltoso joins to teach us how…

Seamless Page Navigation With the View Transitions API
S6E24Jul 6, 2023

Seamless Page Navigation With the View Transitions API

The View Transitions API is now stable in Chrome. That means we can make extremely cool nav animations…

Qwik 1.0 is unlike any JS framework you've used before
S6E25Jul 13, 2023

Qwik 1.0 is unlike any JS framework you've used before

Now that Qwik has reached a stable v1 release, let’s take another look at what how Qwik’s resumability…

Make the Fetch API type-safe with feTS
S6E26Jul 20, 2023

Make the Fetch API type-safe with feTS

The Guild's feTS lets us build REST APIs with end-to-end type safety using TypeScript and the OpenAPI Spec.…

Component-driven development with Faker.js
S6E27Jul 27, 2023

Component-driven development with Faker.js

Using realistic data for dev helps create more resilient code in less time. Jessica Sachs will teach us…

Build multiplayer SaaS apps with Liveblocks
S6E28Aug 3, 2023

Build multiplayer SaaS apps with Liveblocks

Add a Figma-like multiplayer editor experience, share & invite dialogs, a document browser, and more using Liveblocks. Steven…

Add Full Text Search to Your Couchbase Data
S6E29Aug 10, 2023

Add Full Text Search to Your Couchbase Data

Document store databases are flexible, but how do you search? In this episode, Laurent Doguin will teach us…

Does Astro make heavy JS frameworks obsolete?
S6E30Aug 31, 2023

Does Astro make heavy JS frameworks obsolete?

Built-in View Transitions and a whole lot more. Astro is betting on the browser over JavaScript. Fred K.…

What’s new in HTML and CSS in 2023?
S6E31Sep 7, 2023

What’s new in HTML and CSS in 2023?

The capabilities of HTML and CSS are always improving, and recently the pace has accelerated. Una Kravets will…

Unify Data Sources with GraphQL
S6E32Sep 14, 2023

Unify Data Sources with GraphQL

Create a unified GraphQL API using an existing non-GraphQL API, MongoDB, and extend a remote data source with…

Demystifying CSS Container Queries
S6E33Sep 28, 2023

Demystifying CSS Container Queries

CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they…

CSS-Only Scroll-Driven Animation and Other Impossible Things
S6E34Oct 5, 2023

CSS-Only Scroll-Driven Animation and Other Impossible Things

Wait, you can’t do scroll-driven animation with just CSS, right? Bramus will show us that not only is…

What Sucks About Building APIs (& How To Make It Better)
S6E35Oct 12, 2023

What Sucks About Building APIs (& How To Make It Better)

Generating API keys, rate limits, analytics, free trials, and more — the business side of APIs is complex.…

3D in React With Triplex, a Visual Editor for react-three-fiber
S6E36Oct 26, 2023

3D in React With Triplex, a Visual Editor for react-three-fiber

Triplex is a visual editor for react-three-fiber that uses code as the source of truth. Editing 3D components…

Going Deep on Svelte 5
S6E37Nov 16, 2023

Going Deep on Svelte 5

Svelte’s Runes made a lot of headlines when they were announced. In this episode, creator Rich Harris will…

Let’s Learn HTMX!
S6E38Nov 30, 2023

Let’s Learn HTMX!

There’s been a lot of buzz about HTMX. I have no idea what it is. Jack Herrington joined…

Can you actually own your identity and content on the web?
S6E39Dec 7, 2023

Can you actually own your identity and content on the web?

How do you prove you're you on the internet? How do you make sure a startup shutting down…

Fun, festive, interactive web animation
S6E40Dec 14, 2023

Fun, festive, interactive web animation

Many of the websites we love most are fun and interactive. In this episode, Cassie Evans will teach…

How to use coding AI assistants effectively
S6E41Dec 19, 2023

How to use coding AI assistants effectively

What can an AI coding assistant do, and what’s the best way to add one to your workflow?…

Angular is so back
S6E42Dec 21, 2023

Angular is so back

Devs are excited about Angular again. In this episode, Mark Techson from the core team will teach us…