LWJ Original

Learn With Jason

Live pair programming. Learn something new in 90 minutes with tech industry experts.

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Presented by

Learn With Jason

72 episodes

Release year: 2019

High Performance Images Using Gatsby
S2E1Jan 4, 2019

High Performance Images Using Gatsby

Emma Bostian and Jason Lengstorf work on converting Emma’s portfolio page to use `gatsby-image` for better performance and…

Build an eCommerce Site Using Stripe + Gatsby
S2E2Jan 24, 2019

Build an eCommerce Site Using Stripe + Gatsby

In this video, Thor 雷神 teaches Jason how to build an e-commerce store using the new Stripe Checkout.

Build a Portfolio Site with Sanity.io and Gatsby
S2E3Jan 31, 2019

Build a Portfolio Site with Sanity.io and Gatsby

Espen Hovlandsdal teaches Jason Lengstorf how to build a portfolio site using Sanity.io and Gatsby. Along the way,…

Build a Gatsby Theme
S2E4Feb 7, 2019

Build a Gatsby Theme

Gatsby Themes are the Next Big Thing™ for building web sites and apps. In this stream, John Otander…

Learn How React Hooks Work with Gatsby
S2E5Feb 14, 2019

Learn How React Hooks Work with Gatsby

Learn all about React Hooks and how they change the way we write components. Sidhartha Chatterjee teaches Jason…

Multi-language Websites with GraphCMS & Gatsby
S2E6Feb 21, 2019

Multi-language Websites with GraphCMS & Gatsby

Learn how to build an internationalized website using GraphCMS and Gatsby.

Add Authentication to your Apps using Okta
S2E7Feb 28, 2019

Add Authentication to your Apps using Okta

Learn how to add user accounts to your app using Okta and Gatsby.

Write Tests for Gatsby Sites & Apps
S2E8Mar 7, 2019

Write Tests for Gatsby Sites & Apps

Make sure your Gatsby sites and apps are reliable and high quality with a good testing strategy.

Create Realtime Web Apps with Hasura & Gatsby
S2E9Mar 14, 2019

Create Realtime Web Apps with Hasura & Gatsby

Learn how to add realtime updates to your apps using Hasura and Gatsby.

Add Auth0 to Your Gatsby App
S2E10Mar 21, 2019

Add Auth0 to Your Gatsby App

In this stream, we learn how to integrate Auth0 to add authentication to your Gatsby apps.

Build an Accessible, Customer Feedback Widget
S2E11Mar 25, 2019

Build an Accessible, Customer Feedback Widget

We want to capture feedback from the community on our documentation to make sure we’re meeting people’s needs…

Convert an Existing Gatsby Site to a Theme
S2E12Mar 26, 2019

Convert an Existing Gatsby Site to a Theme

How do you convert an existing Gatsby site to a Gatsby theme? In this screencast, Greg Rickaby converts…

What the Heck is Glitch?
S2E13Mar 28, 2019

What the Heck is Glitch?

What is Glitch, and what does it mean for community, development, and learning? In this podcast, Potch teaches…

Let's Learn State Machines!
S2E14Apr 4, 2019

Let's Learn State Machines!

What are state machines? How are they helpful? In this episode, David Khourshid walks us through refactoring a…

Automated & Manual Accessibility Testing
S2E15Apr 19, 2019

Automated & Manual Accessibility Testing

Making websites accessible is a great way to make sure we’re always building great experiences for everyone. In…

How to Use Ionic with React
S2E16Apr 25, 2019

How to Use Ionic with React

Mike Hartington teaches us how to use the Ionic framework with React.

What Can AWS Amplify Do?
S2E17May 9, 2019

What Can AWS Amplify Do?

Follow along as Nader Dabit teaches us how to create a GraphQL API using AWS Amplify (specifically AppSync),…

Add Algolia Search for Your Gatsby Site
S2E18May 16, 2019

Add Algolia Search for Your Gatsby Site

Adding custom search to your site doesn’t need to be hard! Bram Adams from the Algolia team will…

How to use Netlify Identity and Netlify Functions
S2E19May 23, 2019

How to use Netlify Identity and Netlify Functions

Want to add authentication and dynamic actions to your Gatsby sites with very little setup? Shawn Wang shows…

Use Airtable as a CMS for Gatsby
S2E20May 30, 2019

Use Airtable as a CMS for Gatsby

Airtable is like Excel with rocket boosters. Learn along with Jason as Giovanni Briggs from Airtable teaches us…

How to use Kentico Cloud + Gatsby
S2E21Jun 6, 2019

How to use Kentico Cloud + Gatsby

Kentico Cloud promises to deliver “omnichannel experiences” as a headless CMS. I have no idea what that means,…

Build a Gatsby Theme for Podcast Websites
S2E22Jun 13, 2019

Build a Gatsby Theme for Podcast Websites

Learn along with Henry Zhu and Jason Lengstorf as we extend Amberley Romo’s podcast theme. We dive into…

User Auth and Roles with Hasura
S2E23Jun 20, 2019

User Auth and Roles with Hasura

Learn how to set up user authentication and role-based permissions in Hasura from Vladimir Novick. We dive into…

Composing and Styling Gatsby Themes
S2E24Jul 3, 2019

Composing and Styling Gatsby Themes

Gatsby themes open up a lot of incredible opportunities, and theme-ui might just be the perfect tool for…

Building Your First Gatsby Theme
S2E25Jul 8, 2019

Building Your First Gatsby Theme

Join Emma Bostian as she pairs with Jason to build her first Gatsby theme!

MicroFront Ends in Gatsby
S2E26Jul 11, 2019

MicroFront Ends in Gatsby

If you work on a large team or a complex app, you may have used a microservices architecture…

Docs and Examples in Gatsby Themes
S2E27Jul 16, 2019

Docs and Examples in Gatsby Themes

How do you create clear, helpful documentation and demos for Gatsby themes? In this livestream, Horacio Herrera pairs…

Build an RSS Feed-Powered Podcast Site
S2E28Jul 18, 2019

Build an RSS Feed-Powered Podcast Site

Join Amberley Romo and Jason as they build out support for a podcast theme to take a podcast…

Gatsby + WordPress with WPGraphQL
S2E29Jul 25, 2019

Gatsby + WordPress with WPGraphQL

Did you know WordPress & Gatsby are great together? In this stream, Jason Bahl teaches us how to…

Building Websites with Gatsby
S2E30Jul 29, 2019

Building Websites with Gatsby

Join Laurie Barth as she pairs with Jason to learn more about what Gatsby can do to make…

Build a Gatsby + Drupal Website
S2E31Aug 1, 2019

Build a Gatsby + Drupal Website

If you work with Drupal and need a high-performance front-end, Gatsby is a great option! In this stream,…

Cron Jobs and Scheduling Gatsby Builds
S2E32Aug 5, 2019

Cron Jobs and Scheduling Gatsby Builds

How do you schedule a post to go live in the future when using Gatsby? In this stream,…

Loading and Filtering API Data in Gatsby
S2E33Aug 7, 2019

Loading and Filtering API Data in Gatsby

How does Gatsby load data from other platforms and sources? And how do we actually use that data…

Serverless GraphQL Functions in AWS
S2E34Aug 8, 2019

Serverless GraphQL Functions in AWS

Learn how serverless functions work with GraphQL on AWS. Kurt Kemple will teach us how to set up…

Build a Video App With Twilio + Gatsby
S2E35Aug 12, 2019

Build a Video App With Twilio + Gatsby

Did you know you can create collaborative video chat apps *really fast* using Twilio and Gatsby? Nathaniel Okenwa…

Design Systems and MDX in Gatsby
S2E36Aug 15, 2019

Design Systems and MDX in Gatsby

Creating design systems with great documentation and examples can be a pain. MDX makes it *far* less painful…

Data Visualization in React Using Gatsby
S2E37Aug 19, 2019

Data Visualization in React Using Gatsby

How can you create data visualization that works well in progressive web apps? On this episode, Swizec Teller…

Using Contentful and Gatsby Together
S2E38Aug 22, 2019

Using Contentful and Gatsby Together

Contentful provides a flexible, powerful content management back-end, which pairs really well with Gatsby. In this episode, Khaled…

Build Your Own Meme Website
S2E39Aug 26, 2019

Build Your Own Meme Website

Sara Vieira is the queen of memes. On this episode, she joins to teach us how to build…

Make a Beat from Scratch in Logic Pro X
S2E40Sep 3, 2019

Make a Beat from Scratch in Logic Pro X

How do beats get made? In this episode, Joe, a.k.a. Steel Tipped Dove joins to teach us how…

Set up Strapi as a CMS for Gatsby
S2E41Sep 4, 2019

Set up Strapi as a CMS for Gatsby

Strapi is an open source, self-hosted Node.js headless CMS, which makes it a great option for setting up…

Animation and 3D in react-three-fiber
S2E42Sep 5, 2019

Animation and 3D in react-three-fiber

3D animation in the browser can be super intimidating. In this episode, Paul Henschel joins to teach us…

Image & Video Magic with Cloudinary
S2E43Sep 6, 2019

Image & Video Magic with Cloudinary

Managing images and video for the web can be a pain: resizing, color adjustment, switching file formats, cropping,…

Client-Side GraphQL Using URQL
S2E44Sep 9, 2019

Client-Side GraphQL Using URQL

GraphQL is one of the most powerful advances in accessing and managing data in a long time. On…

Advanced GraphQL Techniques in Gatsby
S2E45Sep 10, 2019

Advanced GraphQL Techniques in Gatsby

Can a GraphQL node get data from two different places? Can we use GraphQL to normalize data form…

Introduction to Three.js
S2E46Sep 16, 2019

Introduction to Three.js

3D rendering can be intimidating — but it doesn’t have to be! On this episode, Sarah Drasner joins…

Turning an App Idea into a Plan with UX Design, Workflows, and Prototypes
S2E47Sep 17, 2019

Turning an App Idea into a Plan with UX Design, Workflows, and Prototypes

When you have a new idea for an app, where should you start? On this episode, Marisa Morby…

Deploy a Gatsby Site + API Using ZEIT Now
S2E48Sep 18, 2019

Deploy a Gatsby Site + API Using ZEIT Now

How simple can it be to create a website, get a custom domain, build a serverless API, configure…

Build a Gatsby Transformer Plugin for Cloudinary
S2E49Sep 19, 2019

Build a Gatsby Transformer Plugin for Cloudinary

In a marathon solo stream, Jason builds out most of a Gatsby transformer plugin to upload local files…

Create Apps Using a Component Library
S2E50Sep 23, 2019

Create Apps Using a Component Library

How can you get started quickly with building professional-looking apps? On this episode, Marquet Reid joins to teach…

Sketching, Illustration, and Logo Creation
S2E51Oct 9, 2019

Sketching, Illustration, and Logo Creation

Creating a memorable logo for your app or company is challenging. On this episode, Maggie Appleton joins to…

Generative Data Visualization Design and Planning
S2E52Oct 15, 2019

Generative Data Visualization Design and Planning

Shirley Wu creates art from data. In this episode, Shirley teaches us how to approach creating a beautiful…

Build a Chatbot with GraphQL and Fauna
S2E53Oct 25, 2019

Build a Chatbot with GraphQL and Fauna

Fauna is a database that's friendly to start with for serverless apps. In this episode, Summer Schrader and…

Getting Started With Netlify CMS
S2E54Oct 28, 2019

Getting Started With Netlify CMS

Netlify CMS is a way for developers to manage site content through Git, but with a UI. And…

Fun with Machine Learning pt. 2
S2E55Oct 31, 2019

Fun with Machine Learning pt. 2

In the second installment of this two-part special Halloween episode, Gant Laborde teaches us how to use machine…

Fun with Machine Learning pt. 1
S2E56Oct 31, 2019

Fun with Machine Learning pt. 1

In the second installment of this two-part special Halloween episode, Gant Laborde teaches us how to use machine…

What the Heck Are Variable Fonts?
S2E57Nov 4, 2019

What the Heck Are Variable Fonts?

Variable fonts have been quietly making the web more capable and performant for a couple years now, but…

Taking Action With GitHub Actions
S2E58Nov 4, 2019

Taking Action With GitHub Actions

One of the more exciting features GitHub has released is GitHub Actions. On this episode, Brian Douglas joins…

Build a Gatsby Site With Nest.js
S2E59Nov 5, 2019

Build a Gatsby Site With Nest.js

What is Nest.js, and how does it make building APIs easier? In this episode, Ryan Chenkie teaches us…

Generative Data Visualization Design and Planning, part 2
S2E60Nov 8, 2019

Generative Data Visualization Design and Planning, part 2

Shirley Wu creates art from data. In this episode, Shirley takes the decisions we made in part one…

Art Direction for Developers
S2E61Nov 11, 2019

Art Direction for Developers

Whether you’re working with a team, a client, or both, any project you build will likely end up…

Use Netlify Functions to Build a Sound Board in Gatsby
S2E62Nov 14, 2019

Use Netlify Functions to Build a Sound Board in Gatsby

In this video, Jason adds Netlify Functions to his Gatsby site to enable dynamic functionality on a Jamstack…

Transform Content With Abstract Syntax Trees
S2E63Nov 18, 2019

Transform Content With Abstract Syntax Trees

What are abstract syntax trees (ASTs)? How can we use them to make changes to files? In this…

More Fun with AST Transformations
S2E64Nov 21, 2019

More Fun with AST Transformations

In this follow-up to the previous stream on abstract syntax trees (ASTs), Jason dives deeper and tries to…

Build a Cross-Platform Twitch Extension
S2E65Nov 25, 2019

Build a Cross-Platform Twitch Extension

If you want to show specific information on a Twitch profile, how do you do that? In this…

Build a Personal Site Using Gatsby Themes
S2E66Nov 26, 2019

Build a Personal Site Using Gatsby Themes

Now that Gatsby Themes have been launched, where should you start with a new site? In this episode,…

Introduction to Vue
S2E67Dec 2, 2019

Introduction to Vue

When people talk about modern web frameworks, Vue is almost always included on the list. In this episode,…

Advent of Code: Learn ReasonML
S2E68Dec 5, 2019

Advent of Code: Learn ReasonML

Advent of Code is a great opportunity to try out new languages for fun, even if you may…

Automate Image Performance Using ASTs
S2E69Dec 10, 2019

Automate Image Performance Using ASTs

To get the best possible website performance, we should be optimizing our images, generating different sizes for different…

Let's Learn Svelte!
S2E70Dec 11, 2019

Let's Learn Svelte!

Svelte is a powerful framework that compiles code to framework-less app vanilla JavaScript. In this episode, Svelte‘s creator,…

Build a Party Corgi Gatsby Website
S2E71Dec 12, 2019

Build a Party Corgi Gatsby Website

What’s better than a corgi? A Party Corgi! On this episode, Papa Party Corgi himself, Chris Biscardi, joins…

Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully
S2E72Dec 17, 2019

Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully

Did you know that Angular can generate static sites now? With Scully, it’s now possible! In this episode,…