What's new in Redux Toolkit 2.0?
There's a right way to write Redux in 2024. Core maintainer Mark Erikson will teach us what the recommended modern approach is, what's new in RTK 2.0, & the long road toward shipping 5 major OSS libraries simultaneously.
Resources & Links
- learnwithjason.dev/let-s-learn-modern-redux/
- redux.js.org/
- github.com/markerikson
- github.com/eskimojo14
- github.com/phryneas
- redux.js.org/usage/migrations/migrating-rtk-2
- youtu.be/9I4JPZnNv7c
- npmjs.com/package/@reduxjs/rtk-codemods
- redux.js.org/usage/deriving-data-selectors
- redux.js.org/usage/deriving-data-selectors#balance-selector-usage
- gist.github.com/markerikson/f590f92b68a19312cb625e561ce5072b
- reactiflux.com/
- github.com/zewish/redux-remember
- youtube.com/@learnwithjason/membership
- learnwithjason.dev/schedule/